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How to manage your orders

Follow the below steps to get your order shipped:

  1. From your Wuilt store dashboard, click on orders.
  2. The default shipping status is “Request needed”. That means that this order to be shipped, you need to request AWB. If the AWB already issued, the shipping status will be “sent to” the shipping company.
  3. You can request AWBs individually or in bulk. Here is how:
    1. Individual AWB: To issue an, click on the order, then click “Request Airway Bill” on the shipping card.

      1. A pop-up will appear with the following data:
        1. “Pickup date” this is the date when the shipping company will come to pickup your order. By default, the next day will be selected.
        2. “Pickup location” this is the location where the shipping company will come to pickup your order.
        3. This checkbox is to allow the buyer to open the shipment before paying or not. By default, the buyer is not allowed to open the shipment.
        4. In this section, your current wallet balance is displayed.
        5.  Here, the shipping charge in details will be shown. The Zone rate and the extra weight (If found) along with the total.
        6. If you wish to proceed, click on “Request”. Your wallet will be charged instantly, and the AWB will be issued. If you want to Cancel, just click on “Cancel”

    2. Bulk AWBs: To issue bulk AWBs, follow the steps below:

      1. Navigate to the Orders page by clicking on “Orders” on the nav bar.

      2. Select the orders that you want to request bulk AWBs for by ticking the small box beside the order, then click “Request Airway Bill”

        Note: You can just select the orders that are assigned to the same shipping company.

      3. A pop up will appear with the same data as the Individual order pop up, the only difference is, that it displays multiple orders with the ability of expanding every single order individually to see its details:

      4. If you want to issue the AWBs, click on “Request”. Then print AWB pop up will appear.

      5. Click on “Print” and the AWBs will be downloaded.

  4. After you issue the AWB, there are some actions that you can do on the order level:

    1. “Print”, once clicked, the AWB will be downloaded for you to print it and attach it to your order.

    2. To track your shipment, click on “Track”, will open a tracking link to see where is your shipment right now..

    3. “Cancel”, in case you want to cancel the AWB, just click on “Cancel”.

      Note: If the status of the order still not “Picked up”, and you wish to cancel the shipment, a full refund will be initiated once the AWB is canceled. In case that the status of the shipment is “Picked up”, then the AWB amount will not be refunded and will be treated like a normal shipment.

    4. Shipment tracking ID, you can click to copy this ID and navigate to the shipping company’s website to track your shipment.

    5. “Reach out to us!”, if you face any issue regarding your order, click on it.

      1. A new pop up will appear to select the problem and to write a problem description.

        Note: once you submit this form, we’ll get back to you with a response within 24 hours.
    6. “Shipment Trials” this shows the shipment delivery trials. Each company has a certain number of trials before returning the shipment automatically to the store owner. For example, Aramex and Mylerz offer 3 trials.

      The Green circles indicates that this order still has 3 attempts remaining for delivery. When a delivery trial is done, the Green Circle color changes to Gray.

How to create an order from the store admin

  1. Navigate to the orders page and click on “Create order”

  2. Click on "Browse products to add",
  3. Then select the desired products and click "Add"

  4. Now, let's add the buyer information. You can select an existing customer or create a guest user. In this example, we are going to use the Guest option. Select “Guest” the section will expand to fill in the information. 

  5. In the Shipping section, select the desired shipping company and the shipping cost will be added automatically to your order. Then, click “Create order” and your order will be successfully created