How to activate product ratings?

Reviews can increase your sales, as they're the first thing customer searches for before they decide to purchase something, and this is how to enable reviews in your store

Step 1 : After you are logged in, click on Products from the dashboard, choose

Rating & Reviews

Step 2 : Click on Add to store 

Step 3 : By clicking on my store, you will find every new review in your store you will find all recent reviews once you enter the customer reviews

💡it will not be automatically published you can control its publication in the store 

Step 4: To remove the review or convert it into a post, click on the three dots appearing to the left of it and choose to change it to published or delete 

Step 5: To modify the reviews settings, click on the settings button to the left of the word Product reviews

Change the appearance of ratings

  1. Active the Show star rating, if you need to If you want to show the average of all star ratings to the customer

  2. Active overall rating, if you want to show the customer the average ratings that your store has been put up in numbers

  3. Active number of reviews, to show the actual number of ratings published in the store

If you want to disable product reviews on your store, click the red button

Follow the steps from here👇