Creating an API Key

It’s the unique key you can generate from here to give certain (read/edit) permissions to applications to manually establish an integration with them. The key gives them access to read or edit the data as you set in the API settings.

Step 1 : From the dashboard click on Access Permissions 

Step 2 : Click on API Key Generator 

Step 3 : Click On Generate API Key 

Step 4 : Enter the name of the app to which you’ll give the unique API key to be able to recognize it later from the list of keys you generated.

Step 5 : Then choose the permissions you want to give it to that app, choose wisely between full access and read only.

Step 6 : Now click on generate API key from the top bar on the right

Now feel free to generate as many API keys as you prefer to integrate with external apps.

You’ll not be able to view that key again for privacy purposes, so make sure to copy and paste the key in a safe space, don’t share it with anyone besides the app you generated it for. 

You can follow the steps from here 👇