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Add new page (V2)

Step 1 : Navigate to the Action and select the Pages tool 

Step 2 : It'll open a panel right below it. From there you can manage your current pages' general and SEO settings and reorder them for extra organization and easier navigation on your website.

Step 3 : Look at the end of that panel, you'll see "Add Page", click on it.

Step 4 : Now type your new page's name and slug. The slug appears in your website URL like this: https://websitedomain.com/slug

Step 5 : After setting your page name and slug. It's time for some SEO; type in your page's title tag to help users and search engines recognize it's content.

Step 6 : Then write a general text about the content of this page in the meta description,

Step 7 : Write 2 or 3 keywords to help the crawlers know what it contains.

Step 8 : Preview how your page appears in search engines, then click "Add Page