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How to set up Wuilt Shipments

💡Important Note: To activate Wuilt Shipments, the store currency should be EGP.

  1. Go to your Wuilt store dashboard and click on “Shipping”
  2. Click on “Activate now” button on Wuilt Shipments banner
  3. A pop-up will appear to confirm that Egypt will be removed from the shipping zones and will be handled by Wuilt Shipments. Click “Activate”
  4. Wizard step 1: “Store Details”. Enter the following data to proceed:
    1. First Name.
    2. Last Name.
    3. Email. (Prefilled with your Wuilt account email)
    4. Phone number. (Prefilled with your Wuilt account phone number)
    5. Pickup Location. (This is where the shipping company will pickup your orders from)
      1. Country. (Egypt is Preselected)
      2. Governorate.
      3. City.
      4. Pickup address. (Text field to enter the detailed pickup location)
    6. Store Location. (Text field to enter your store location) this field is optional.
    7.  In the right hand-side, set up the pickup and store location from the map for more accurate information.
    8. After finishing filling up all information, click “Next”

  1. Wizard step 2: “Shipping Company” Click on “Activate” button beside the desired shipping company that you want to activate.
  2. A pop-up will appear including the following data:
    1. Shipping zones. (Including the servable and non-servable areas & Rates)
    2. SLAs & Fees. (All data you need to know about the SLAs and extra fees if applicable)
    3. Prohibited Items. (Products that the shipping company is not allowed to ship)
    4. Material Prices. (Shipping company materials ant their prices)

      💡Note: Navigate between the above-mentioned tabs to find all details before activating the shipping company

    5. If you want to activate it, click on “Activate”

  1. Click “Next” to proceed
  2. Wizard step 3: “Payout Settings” In this step, enter your bank details that you want to settle your COD on. The following data is required:
    1. Account Owner Name.
    2. Bank Name. (Select your bank from the dropdown list)
    3. Account Number. (Enter your bank account number)
    4. IBAN number. (Enter your IBAN number)

      💡Note: This step can be skipped for now and will be filled while the first withdrawal request.
    1. If you wish to continue, click “Next”

  1. Wizard step 4: “Terms and conditions” read the terms and conditions carefully, then click “Agree and continue”

Congratulations, you activated Wuilt Shipment successfully✨

You can choose to “Go to the Wallet page” to complete the setup and to be ready for your first shipment, or watch a demo explaining the whole process.